Saturday 2 June 2012

Evening sun

One of my favourite things to do on a sunny weekday evening is to pyjama the smalls a bit early, add shoes and jumpers, then head out along the river to meet J. He walks that way back from the station.

Not bad as daily commutes go.

This chap didn't seem to be having much luck with the fish.

And neither did this one.

The hedges were wonderful. Great foamy mounds of hawthorn.

Some of which was pink.

These lovely daisies were growing out of a crack in the side of the river bank.

And I think this snow-in-summer must be a garden escapee.

This elderflower was just coming into flower and there is heaps more,

so I must must must find a recipe for elderflower cordial or even better champagne in the next week or so. Might be a half term project?


1 comment:

  1. What a lovely walk! Champagne sounds like a great project, too.
