Friday 15 July 2016

Putting my head back on

Oh my goodness, how on earth did three months go by?

I think I needed a little break while I put my head back on. You see, over the winter I spent huge gobs of time applying for jobs that I thought I should have, but didn't really want. Unsurprisingly, they didn't want me either. But the constant uncertainty and waiting for the rejections that, in some cases, never came (rude people) did me no good at all. My head pretty much came off. Or at least was very wobbly.

Not long after my last post I stopped. I stopped pretending, stopped wasting all that time and got on with something useful instead. I painted all the downstairs windows on my house, and the front door, and the back door. And organised someone to paint the upstairs ones. I planted things and weeded things and got on with things.

Then what do you know... whilst nattering to some extremely fabulous women friends about the whole pants-ness of job applications and the much-better-ness of getting on with something productive, one of them offered me some work. Not the sitting in an office managing stuff and organising stuff work that I have always done. No, completely out of nowhere, and completely insightfully and brilliantly she asked me to be her gardener. (Or more accurately a gardener for a holiday house owned by her business).

Yes! Yes yes yes!

I love it! And although I have been cramming in the hours a bit trying to get on top of it before the school holidays eat my days, and it has been squeezing the rest of life a bit in consequence, I am happier than I have been in a long time.

Thanks to another friend who heard what I was up to and who knows people who know people, I am going to see another lady next week to see if I can help her get on top of her garden in September.

At the same time I gave up my little high street shop space as a waste of time and money. Instead, I am going to try to master etsy a bit better. The latest development is that another lovely friend has asked me to do some sewing for her.

It may never make my fortune, but I am ok with that. It may be very seasonal (read occasional), but I am ok with that too. The most important thing is that it is life affirming rather than life sucking. I am back in control, and if there is no gardening work, or sewing work to be done right now, then I am free to work on my house, work on my own garden and sew things I want to sew. Or not.

And that's perfect.



  1. so pleased that you have these gardening jobs how good is that getting paid for what you love to do, you have such green fingers I know your clients will be delighted and word will soon spread about your skills, also stitching to do wonderful

    1. Thanks Margaret! It is lovely to be doing something so positive.

  2. Great news, I wondered where you had gone. Given that that you probably get as much wet weather as we do your gardening may well be in fits and starts. I love being out but equally on the wet days I always have something to do. I am not talking about housework though, knitting, crochet and sewing play a major part in my life and I revel in a rainy day.

    1. Thanks for still being here when I came back! Yes it's good to have all sorts of projects for all sorts of days isn't it?

  3. Oh that's is lovely news! Well done, you're doing something you enjoy, that's means more than having a large bank account! ;) xxx

    1. Definitely definitely definitely Amanda. So much better this way! xxx

  4. Fabulous!!! Isn't amazing how things have a way of working themselves out! Hope that it all goes wonderfully for you and that you are very happy!
