Friday, 28 August 2015

Summer with the Smalls



I have a lovely friend who adores the holidays and mourns her loss when her Smalls go back to school. I try very hard not to do the opposite. It's not that I don't like hanging out with my Smalls, I do. It's just that I find life a whole lot easier if I have time on my own too. I find it easier to think and to plan without the chatter and nonsense that goes on when everyone is at home. We've had six weeks off so far and boy are we ready to go back. Chatter and nonsense has morphed into bickering and niggling. The Smalls need the stimulation and routine of school and I need the peace and quiet.

Only three days to go...



  1. Sounds like you had a great summer with the smalls! xx

  2. As a nan now, I remember those sentiments each time I have my grandkids for longer than a day lol Time out is for me!!
