Monday, 8 April 2013

March Slow Living

Definitely slow! I can't believe I have got to the 8th of the month before stopping to think about March. As usual I am joining in with the lovely people over here.


Does cake count? A lot of cake was baked in March for birthdays and school fund raisers and Rainbows parties.

I have also had the challenge of the potato shortage to deal with.


I am struggling to get used to having to think about birthdays weeks and weeks in advance, but I did make and post something for J's sister and for his Mum in (hopefully) plenty of time.


The courgettes have given up but J won't let me pull them up. He has pulled off all the mildewy leaves so now we have very sad looking bald plants. We have replanted the dahlias out of their pots into the ground and they have sprouted new little leaves which is exciting. I also bought some plants from the market to try and make our space a bit more floriferous (isn't that a lovely word?).


Not much here, but I did take the Smalls to the Millennium Forest to make foot prints to highlight the importance of looking after their environment.


Making beads continues as does making plant pots from tin cans and using jam jars and Cheddars tubs for all sort of things. More re-use than recycle but better than nothing.


I have made a little more progress with the Sweetie Shop Persian blanket - I was trying to join the little squares as I went along, but just couldn't get it to be tidy, eventually I unravelled all the ones I had done and sewed them together one at a time. I am much happier with the result and the strip of squares is gradually  growing. I am also trying to do a row or two of my log cabin knitted blanket each day. I still have the bug for attempting some patchwork but I haven't found the required quiet stretch to think it out. I also did my first flax work commission - a clutch bag for one of the ladies in the choir. Very exciting!


Our St Helena adventure is one long journey of discovery. Everything is new and different, but I have taken some time this month to read up on the history of the island a bit more.


I have been challenging myself musically but learning an Easter Cantata with the little choir I have joined. It is a lovely mixture of ages and backgrounds but the music is harder than I am completely comfortable with. I sing alto which is usually harder because you rarely have the tune but this is quite hard harmonies, and there are only three altos, none of whom are very strong. Never the less we are getting there, and more importantly having fun along the way.


Two birthdays, plus the usual fun and frolics have made for a very enjoyable month.

How was your month?


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