This was the last weekend of our subtropical island adventure so we made a list and revisited lots of our favorite bits...
The Bellstone
Full on percussion section
Rock Rose Ruin
For a little explore along an inviting path
Plantation and Jonathon
The view from the top of Jacob's ladder
The coffee shop for toasties and milkshakes
Castle Gardens
Bird on a fountain
Back to Jacobs Ladder
Little Man and Tall Girl wanted to climb it one last time with J
J couldn't resist trying out the Saint method of sliding down
Big Trouble and I cheated and drove to the top
Almost there
New wellies
The heart shaped waterfall
Halley's Mount
Weird ferny trees
The view back over Longwood to the Barn
It is going to be a tough few days saying all our last Good Byes.
See you back in Englandshire in a couple of weeks.